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Our Story

Inherited by Granny, perfected by Science

A young potato farmer’s wife from Cradock (South Africa), used her granny’s secret moisturizer recipe to create a skin care range that jostles for shelf space with world-famous cosmetics brands. 

On a cross-country trip back from Johannesburg to their home in the Eastern Cape one night, Rèana le Roux and her husband Jacques made an unscheduled stop at her grandmother’s home in Bloemfontein. Because she had no overnight bag with her, Reana used some of her granny’s moisturizer that evening.

Frèda Nowers, encouraged her granddaughter to give the plain white cream in a non-descript container a try. The cream was first created by the pharmacist she worked for longer than anyone can remember, using all-natural ingredients inspired by age-old, traditional recipes.

“She’d been using it for many years and her skin looked incredible; so I thought, why not? I’ll give it a try!” says Rèana. So, she wrote down her grandmother’s formulation and started using the cream every day. 

Soon her friends started noticing how much better her skin was looking and asked Rèana to make the cream for them.  “Within a few months requests were coming through which led us to formalize things a little bit, charging a nominal fee for each jar of my granny’s miracle cream,” says Rèana. She also enlisted the help of a laboratory in Johannesburg.

Over the next few months, word of the moisturizer, by this time named Frèroux (the first syllable of her grandmother’s name and the last syllable of Rèana’s surname) spread. 


Frèroux Skin Therapy understands that it is important to take care of your skin from a very young age. You only get one skin and one chance – so no matter what age, color or skin type, one can unquestionable rely on Frèroux.

The Frèroux pricing strategy allows the upcoming, sophisticated woman to buy a quality, state of the art, cosmetic range at a competitive market related price. This will ensure value for money as it has been clinically formulated.

A unique product range was developed, to fit all skin types and conditions. The range uniqueness lies in the unique and compact range it offers to its clients, by individualizing the product to the client’s specific skin needs. 

The day and night creams are “base” products and the serums are individually developed to target a specific skin problem. The client takes a pea size amount of day/night cream, then choses the serum/s that help resolve her skins needs/problem and mix the two together in her hand palm and apply. The serums can be used in different combinations together or separate and even without day/night creams, giving the client an exciting new experience in cosmetic use. The strength of the serums can also be decided upon the client’s skins need as it changes through cycles, seasons and weather.


The range has 0% perfumes, 0% artificial colourants and 0% parabens.

© 2020 by VisionHiveDesign

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